
092-541-3231 092-557-6100

受付時間 : 平日 8:30~17:15



受付時間 : 平日 8:30~16:00

新患受付時間 8時30分~11時
休診日 土・日・祝日
面会時間 13時~15時半
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ホーム > English > Departments > Department of Palliative and Supportive Care

Department of Palliative and Supportive Care

Summary of Department

The Department of Palliative and Supportive Care focuses on consultations with attending physician and medical staff regarding the pathological condition of a patient’s physical symptoms in order to support the maximum improvement of the quality of life of the patient and their family. We practice the following based on international guidelines: (1) We provide patients with symptom management, emotional support, support for decision-making, a place of care, and support for terminal issues as well as support for patients’ families and health care professionals. (2) We conduct a comprehensive assessment of patients and their families based on information from referring staff, physical examinations of patients, discussions with the family, consultations of medical charts and the results of other examinations and provide recommendations and direct care. (3) We perform assessments using standardized tools whenever possible. (4) We provide recommendations and direct care based on existing clinical practice guidelines if possible, taking the individual situations/conditions of patients into consideration. (5) We record the contents of assessments/recommendations and direct care on medical charts. (6) We review and monitor the results of recommendations and direct care. (7) We inform patients and their families about the contents of direct care and obtain their consent to perform this care. (8) We hold conferences with the referring health care professionals if needed. (9) We facilitate communication within the palliative care consultation team through regular meetings.

Main scope of the treatment

Main target diseases:

All life-threatening illnesses


We perform our activities using validated tools according to the standard guidelines proposed by the following articles: J Pain Symptom Manage. 2009 Oct;38 (4):496-504; Lancet Oncol. 2018 Nov;19 (11): e588-e653; JAMA. 2016 Nov 22;316 (20):2104-2114; Lancet Oncol. 2016 Dec;17 (12): e552-e559