
092-541-3231 092-557-6100

受付時間 : 平日 8:30~17:15



受付時間 : 平日 8:30~16:00

新患受付時間 8時30分~11時
休診日 土・日・祝日
面会時間 13時~15時半
アクセス 交通アクセス
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ホーム > English > Departments > Department of Cell Therapy

Department of Cell Therapy

Summary of Department

Cancer immunotherapy is the main focus of cancer treatment as well as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Cell therapy is a treatment method that uses human cells and tissues processed in vitro, in which cellular material is injected, grafted or implanted into patients.

In 2015, we conducted a phase I doctor-initiated clinical trial of dendritic cell vaccine for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) as a project of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). ATL is an aggressive peripheral T-cell neoplasm caused by HTLV-1 infection that has a very poor prognosis with conventional chemotherapies, i.e. a survival time of around one year. Thus far, our team has conducted dendritic cell vaccine therapy for nine patients and shown it to be a very safe treatment with minimal side effects. Eight of the patients have had a good quality of life without relapsing for more than a year. One patient has survived for over five years, resulting in a longer healthy life span than might have been achieved with conventional treatment. Based on these results, we plan to start a phase II clinical trial in 2019. We also perform outpatient treatment of HTLV-1 carriers with physical condition management and health consultation. In the future, we are planning to administer the vaccine in order to prevent the onset of ATL in HTLV-1 carriers who have risk factors for ATL onset.

Main scope of the treatment

Main target diseases:

  • Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
  • HTLV-1 carriers


  • Japanese Society of HTLV-1 and Associated Diseases (JSHAD)-accredited hospital (applying)
  • Doctor-initiated clinical trial (dendritic cell vaccine therapy under "Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control" of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development [AMED])